Category: Compassion, Gratitude & Meditation

It's All About Relationships

Liberation Listening and Commitments

I have been a part of a project called Liberation Listening since Fall of 2017. Under the leadership of Kara Huntermoon, we seek to develop a liberation strategy for all. We understand that it is a lofty goal, but this group has become a kind of home group for me as I reach out into…
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Silent Retreat

I have a friend named Catherine who lives on a Zendo in the Cascade Range. I am grateful that she considers herself my big sister in matters of the Dharma, as I have no direct teacher or lineage to guide my practice. She and her partner have built a tiny house that is snug, warm,…
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Midwife to a Sheep

Dear Lia, Behind the backdrop of the pandemic, I am living on my best friend’s farm, being a therapist three days a week, and learning how to be a farmer four days a week. That’s not exactly true, as I am doing a lot of supporting people’s emotional processes, as well as facilitating the weekly…
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Don’t Take It Personally

“If you are willing to look at another person’s behavior toward you as a reflection of themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time, cease to react at all.” Yogi Bhajan When you react strongly to an event, it’s because there is some kind…
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How do you take care of yourself? How can you do more of it? Self-care is fundamental to our well-being. It has elemental implications for doing well as we get older, or for recovery from illness and accidents.  Self-care strengthens our resiliency to cope with adverse situations; both minor and large scale events. Self-care topics…
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